College is not that super struggle.
You just have to find effective ways how to manage your college life from the
very first day until you graduate. Do not absorb the mundane line, “College is
difficult” because it’s usually said by those who haven’t yet figured out how
they will survive college. You want to succeed, right? I believe that college
is difficult BUT manageable.
Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash College is another new level of
life-challenging experience you must go through and survive. In college, you
are your self’s opponent. So, you need to work things out regardless of whether
it goes the way you want or not, yet remember that what’s important is that you
gained self-growth throughout the journey which will guide you to achieving
your dreams and plans right after. If you are a college freshman still checking out how you will deal with new faces, environment, and educational system (be it online class or face-to-face), then you should continue reading this. College students in any year level can opt to read this as well because you might just grasp some useful tips to make your college years a success. Come, dive into the following: 1.
Execute Time Management effectively As a college student bombarded with
assignments, projects, incoming exams, and other activities while also carrying
out other duties for the family and community, Time Management will be your
helpful ally. You won’t be able to finish all tasks at once, thus you need to
divide and categorize them according to urgency and importance. I will advise
that you use the Covey Time Management Matrix by Stephen R. Covey. Eliminate time-insensitive goals so you can
focus on doing the tasks with nearing deadline. 2.
Spend your
allowance wisely Save every coin you have left so you
will have an accumulated extra budget for emergency use. Just like managing
your time, you have to budget your money for your needs. Sacrifice your wants
at the moment and prioritize your course books, school supplies, and
miscellaneous fees. 3.
Have a good sleep Do not push yourself to work on your
project at a very late night when you are aware you cannot exert strength
further. Do not sacrifice your health. You might be up until this hour because
of poor time management. Rest your body by sleeping at the right time for the
right duration. A good nap will energize your mind and body to enable you to
function during the daytime in class. 4.
Study by heart Submit your assignments as early as
possible and you are capable to do so before the deadline approaches. Study the
learning materials your professors have provided to the class to be prepared
for the following discussion. Develop curiosity in your course topics for it
will drive you to delve into them and comprehend them. If you cannot understand
the topic, you can consult video lectures from credible sources related to it. 5.
Use relevant apps There are a lot of helpful apps that
can assist your writing, graphic designing, photo/video editing, etc. to
improve your project. You can search the internet for the top apps that can make
your academic outputs presentable and professional. 6.
Be open to asking
for help and to help Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you
know your limits are pushing you down. Ask a classmate who is good at a lecture
you can barely grasp. Sometimes you will need to reach out for help. You can
also return the kindness by assisting him/her in a subject he/she is also
having trouble with. Be nice. 7.
Participate in
class discussions Whether face-to-face or online class,
don’t be too shy to share with the class what you know or to resolve a dispute
if you cannot catch the gist of the lecture. Show that you are interested in
actively partaking in your professor’s lesson. You’ll gain an advantage if your
instructor is familiar with you because of your keen participation in his/her
class. 8.
Have at least one
good friend It is easier to walk around the
campus, enter the library, or any college vicinities when you have a buddy,
especially if you share the same interests or hobbies. You can gain as many
friends as you want, but for my unsought piece of advice: one is enough. Be
friends with someone trustworthy, reliable, and most of all, a good influence.
Help each other excel. 9.
Believe in
Yourself This is the most important of all. Be confident to show and share your
skills. It is a leeway to earn opportunities to prove yourself. Trust on your
capabilities guided by dreams and goals in and beyond college life. Do not be
discouraged due to difficulties because it’s part of your college journey and
there will be more challenges to come once you step into your professional
career. Solve problems with effective solutions. Do not stay on the troubled
path, just pass through it with determination, effort, and self-reliance.
Remind yourself why you are there. … Going to college needs strong courage
and will to finish studying. Getting good passing grades is every student’s
main goal to continue into another year level. Make your college easier and
more memorable by enjoying it any way you want or you know. Yet, be responsible
and well-disciplined because college is tough and you should too.
Sometimes, all you need is the passion
to fulfill all you have been dreaming of. |
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