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Thumbs down to Cinderella


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Once upon a time, I was a girl who admired Cinderella because of her untiring kindness to her abusive stepmother and stepsisters, sweet child-like voice, and most of all, her gracefulness and beauty that caught her Prince Charming’s attention during a ball. I had dreamt that someday I will also meet a guy like Cinderella had to whom I will cherish my life. Then one day, I grew up and my expectation didn’t turn out well. A fairytale love story that shaped my view in life until my teenage years was a ruse. I realized the Happy-Ever-After I had aspired as a little girl was nothing but diminishing.

I can’t help laughing at myself because of such silly childhood ambition. Being prim and proper is intangible to being a princess, but constant kindness and dependence is a questionable character I saw in Cinderella. There were undiscussed gray areas of being a Cinderella that the disparity between expectation versus reality is rather disappointing yet truth-slapper. Being too nice and pretty alone is not the key to success and fortune for a lady.

I had adored Cinderella and when the real world confronted me, I don’t want to be like her. It is good that she has always believed in kindness to the extent that it is inherent to everyone. What I don’t like about her is her stagnancy – she remained humble despite the cruelty of the people she was being slaved to. But what choice does Cinderella have especially since she has no other family to run to? I understand her though, but she could have had enough yet she did not. What could have happened to her if her “Prince Charming” was not at the ball? She could have only become a princess for just one night and she would have gone back to her miserable life after. Then, if she was lucky enough to catch a prospective husband but without rank, she would still live without progress by doing the conventional role of managing a household and submitting to her husband.

To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with being a housewife. Being one is a choice, and it is passionately lived up by some women and I respect that. Personally, it is a restraint for a lady to pursue her other goals in life. Sometimes, dreaming of a fairytale love story ruin one’s future because of such a preposterous idea. An innocent maiden will fall in love with a man who professed the so-called devotion of his love and eventually gets married and build their family, then everything stops right there. The man will work for his family and his wife will work inside the house as a lifetime routine. This is what typically becomes of a woman, and I do not want to live the same fate. I want to build my destiny - to reach my dreams and goals in life without waiting for someone to do it for me. Lacking a prince charming will not cause death upon me and I will lose nothing. I would instead gain freedom and independence.

Actually, being in a relationship sucks, and this time around it is difficult to find someone who can be trusted. Practically speaking, a man who has a determined life is rare. It’s often the reason why being single is preferred by a woman who knows her worth. Life becomes better and happy without a guy holding you back from doing what you want.  

Everybody knows Cinderella. Princesses like her will always need a hero. A princess is defenseless and relies on the bravery and strength of a man who will strike at the beast or villain to escape and to be safe and protected. A woman can be as strong as a man, but princesses cannot and do not exhibit this. 

Cinderella is afraid to be independent. She would rather stay with her deeply annoying stepfamily than find a new life of her own. I know that Cinderella had been left no choice during those times when women are unprivileged. The tragic circumstance of being a Cinderella is arduous. I consider Cinderella lucky to find a man with a large fortune and kingdom. But right now, being a Cinderella has no place in surviving society. If you are a Cinderella today waiting for a man to rescue you from your poor life, take care of and provide you with all your needs, you are a weak one. You should get moving and work for your dreams. You should not be dependent on anyone when you’re already at the right age and are well capable of discerning and deciding what you truly want.

Wait for your Prince Charming and you won’t notice you are already a skeleton without any accomplishment, except the senseless patience of assuming that a man will emerge out of nowhere to give you a comfortable and luxurious life. It will lead you to no good and you will appear as if you don’t highly esteem your potential and capabilities.

Another, I think it hilarious for Cinderella to dream of a husband whom she will find happiness with (she is so fortunate to find one who is dashing with his large sum of wealth and a grandeur palace). Frankly, men like such are uncommon and you will only find guys who have looks but with the absence of skills and talents. Looks alone can be cool but I’d like to pray tell that it does not make a superb appeal and you cannot have a fine future with him. You will never be a queen to him, but his slave.

I am grateful that I’m born in this generation where women are unchained from the accustomed role of being at the mercy of men.  I don’t want to kneel before them because I am not born to please and to submit.

If you have placed your relentless efforts on achieving your desires in life, then thumbs up to you. Otherwise, if you’re missing the point about being Cinderella, then thumbs down to you.




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