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The Next Big Things of Being Yourself to Become Your Best Version

 Know the best ways how to become your BEST version

Imitation is cheap. Yes? 

You try so hard to look as better as your idol by copying his or her attitude, fashion style, and self-presentation just to fit into what society dictates appealing. Well, do you feel comfortable behaving that way? What did you gain from it? Why do you do such? 

Photo by Shwa Hall on Unsplash

Have you ever thought of the noteworthy benefits you will acquire if you wholly accept yourself for who you truly are? 

Have you ever pondered how wonderful you can be if you begin appreciating and loving yourself right at this moment? 

If that is so, start becoming your genuine self. Everyone will always admire and praise the original one, not the fake. Imitation is temporary, so why settle for less? Do you get my point? 

Authenticity means high quality and most probably to last and be held esteemed. Authenticity is beautiful because it does not pretend or hide but shows all the goodness it has. Authenticity is less likely to be replaced. And so are you – only if you will realize the value of being yourself. 

You are beautiful. If no one has told you yet, claim it yourself. Nothing is to lose, but there is to gain: your confidence

You want to become your best version, but you do not know where and how to start. 

Rule no. 1

First things first, stop the comparison. Maybe you should take a break from looking up so high to other people you keep comparing yourself with for a while. Comparison will only drag your self-esteem down. It will lead you to copy them. Imitation is unhealthy. You will hardly become you if you continue doing such.  

Rule no. 2

If you are exerting the effort of pleasing the people around you, you will appear desperate. Stop pleasing everyone because it will never happen. You are just pressuring and exhausting your mind and body to become someone you are not. Do not adjust to people who do not see your beauty and value. It’s not your fault that you are blessed with imperfect beauty. Their problem is not yours. Do not deal with issues that are not of your concern. If people hate you, don’t waste your time asserting what’s good in you. 

Rule no. 3

Instead of dealing with prying individuals, use that time to keep improving yourself until they have nothing bad to talk against you. You just let them say whatever they want. You don’t need to become the person society wants you to be just to fit in. Show that you don’t care. Sometimes you have to ignore judgments especially negative ones to focus on your positives. 

So, what should you do next? 


Of course, loving yourself first is the starter kit. You are doing these comparison and imitation stuff because you can’t be you. You don’t appreciate what you got. Love yourself by taking good care of your being. Eat well, go to the gym to do some physical exercises, sleep right, meditate, and do other activities that will make you feel better. 


Second, you should manifest your happiness. Smiling is a powerful vibe. You should have the mood. It will show everyone that you are satisfied and proud of everything you are and the remarkable things you have accomplished. 


Last, but another important thing if you want to become your best version, you should harness your potential and work on things you love to do. Doing what you love will help you grow and nurture your mind to have peaceful and calm thoughts. Discovering related newfound skills to your hobbies will make you feel good knowing that you have uncovered what you’re capable of. Exhibit where and what you are skilled in. Persistently better your holistic being. Stand up for your principles. 

You have everything it takes to improve yourself but perhaps sometimes you are just not aware of what you stand for in your self-worth. You should try to find your comfort and that is where you can start. It takes time, but you will find it all worth it. 

The next big things… 

Don’t be frustrated and too insecure if your body does not look the way you want it to be, or if you feel that your face is not attractive. Not all bodies and faces are the same. Again, you have much room for improvement. You have many chances and ways to enhance yourself over and over again. You can make yourself attractive or how fancy you want to be. You just need to believe and take action because it’s you who will benefit from the upgraded you. 

Being obvious that you are shy to flaunt your imperfections will be negatively perceived by people around you. These imperfections can be altered if you really can’t live with them. But let me tell you, your flaws serve as your identity and beauty of being diverse.

Do you want to become your impregnable character? Then you should live up what you have read in this post. Your best version awaits you. Unleash your greatest holistic self. Embrace what you think you cannot change in yourself. 

Don’t mind intruders who try to ruin your self-esteem. Sometimes almost perfect people get the worst bashers. A piece of truth: when you have developed into a better person, you can anticipate haters to make unreal stories about you and your past to tarnish your reputation. Bear in mind that this kind of people who will talk about you are the jealous mongers. They are grudging because they can’t be as personally accomplished as you. You made it to the peak and they didn’t. 

Be courageous...

Don’t stay in despair and disappointment from the failure of building up your aesthetics. Continue to try, move, learn, and grow. As you succeed, you will also inspire others to find what is beautiful in them (including the ill-wishers, only if you wish to help them or not). 


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